Cittadinanzattiva (Active Citizenship) is an Italian civic participation movement founded in 1978 that advocates for the protection of citizens’ rights and the active participation of citizens in the policy-making process. Since 2001, at the European and international level, Cittadinanzattiva has been developing its branch “Active Citizenship Network” (ACN).
Cittadinanzattiva has more than 40 years of experience in protecting citizens’ rights in the health sector, which initiated with its “Patients’ Rights Court” (or TDM) in 1980 and was later strengthened through the National Coordination of Chronic Patients’ Associations in 1996. Starting from 2001, through its EU branch, Active Citizenship Network (ACN), Cittadinanzattiva has been promoting civic participation and rights’ protection, also at European level.
ACN is a flexible network of civil society organizations that participate as partners in different projects, in the last 4 year ACN has involved more than 200 civic, patients and users’ organizations in political initiatives and EU projects on different topics. ACN manages an Meps Interest Group “European Patients’ Rights & Cross-Borderhealthcare” which had, and has, the purpose of bringing and strengthening the civic point of view in EU public health policies.
Role in the Facilitate Project
In FACILITATE ACN co-leads the WP6, the work package dedicated to communication and dissemination in particulat for the cordination of the stakeholder involvement: to reach out to all the relevant actors encouraging them to participate and contribute to the development – evaluation – and uptake of the projects’ outcomes.