
For data return, the time is ripe

For data return, the time is ripe

On November 29, at the Clinical Trials Europe meeting held in Barcelona, FACILITATE made a significant contribution to this important annual gathering, which for two days becomes a nexus for patients, health authorities, ethics committees, pharmaceutical companies,...

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A technological process with a legal-ethical core

A technological process with a legal-ethical core

From October 23-27 2023, Horizon Europe 2024 - the European Research Promotion Agency's (APRE) annual event - took place with 5 days of information meetings on the themes and calls of the Framework Program for Research and Innovation.It was a relay of information...

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Demystifying Individual Participant Data Return

Demystifying Individual Participant Data Return

On 17 October, 2023, Johanna Blom, Coordinator of FACILITATE, Véronique Poinsot, Project Leader of FACILITATE and Swapna Pothula, member of the TransCelerate initiative, participated at Scope EU Congress in Barcelona, in a panel entitled “Demystifying Individual...

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Expert patients meet FACILITATE

Expert patients meet FACILITATE

On 15 October 2023, the Accademia del Paziente Esperto EUPATI (AdPEE) held an information event dedicated to the European FACILITATE project at the Rome Scout Center in Rome. Sabrina Grigolo, member of the board of AdPEE, together with some EUPATI Patient Experts -...

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Individual data return is now reality

Individual data return is now reality

in the USA, participants to clinical trials can now have consistent and reliable access to their individual data through a Pfizer innovative initiative.Pfizer has made a commitment to return individual data to its clinical trials participants through the Participant...

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