
Clinical study report (CSR)

A clinical study report (CSR) is a document containing extensive details about the plan, methods and conduct of the study so that it is clear how the study was carried out. This report should provide a clear explanation of how the design features of the study were chosen and include the results of the trial. 

A CSR should also provide enough data to allow the key analyses of data to be repeated, should the regulatory authorities wish to do so. 

It is a central part of any application for a new medicine to receive marketing authorization, and it must meet the requirements of the regulatory authority that has to assess the application.

EUPATI-Accademia del Paziente esperto (AdPEE) Toolbox Glossary

More resources

EMA Eu: FAQs Clinical Study Report submission, CTIS Training Programme – Module 13 Version 1.1 – October 2022

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The Mayfield handbook of technical and scientific writing

World Health Organization (WHO) Recommended format for “Public disclosure of clinical trial results”


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