
Data reuse

In a clinical study, data reuse (also known as Secondary use) refers to the practice of utilizing existing clinical trial data for purposes other than the original intention for which it was collected. This involves taking previously gathered clinical study datasets and repurposing them to address new research questions, validate findings, or for other analytical and educational objectives.

Brendan Barnes. Safeguards framework for secondary use of clinical trial data for scientific research.

Adapted from Brendan Barnes: Safeguards framework for secondary use of clinical trial data for scientific research

To go in-depth

Reuse of clinical trial data: a perspective from pharma companies

This position paper focus on value of the secondary use of personal health data generated in clinical trials for a broad range of scientific research purposes.

Brendan Barnes. Safeguards framework for secondary use of clinical trial data for scientific research.

What the European law says

This article analyses how the reuse of clinical trial data for secondary scientific research purposes are subject to implementing appropriate safeguards to protect the rights and freedoms of data subjects

Brendan Barnes. Safeguards framework for secondary use of clinical trial data for scientific research.


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