
Odysseus Data Services (“Odysseus”) is an active contributor in multiple OHDSI initiatives and workgroups:

  • The Odysseus Software Engineering team is actively involved in design and development of such key OHDSI platforms as ATLAS/WebAPI (cohort building and study design) and ATHENA (OMOP Vocabularies Search and Distribution). Odysseus created and published as open source the ARACHNE Research Network platform with a goal of linking multiple distributed life science and healthcare organizations to enable standardized federated analytics of observational data. These OHDSI tools and platforms are being rolled out as a part of the on-going IMI EHDEN project.
  • The Odysseus Medical Ontology team is responsible for the ongoing curation and maintenance of the OHDSI. OMOP Standardized vocabularies. The team has an extensive experience in creation and integration of international and European vocabularies, including ICD10, READ and other.

The Odysseus staff is actively involved in leading or contributing to multiple key OHDSI workgroups, including EHR WG, OMOP CDM and Vocabularies WG, Oncology Extension WG, Clinical Trials / SDTM WG, THEMIS (business rules), DQ Dashboard and other.

The Odysseus OMOP CDM ETL team has an extensive experience and advanced expertise in performing OMOP CDM Conversions (ETL), subsequent OMOP CDM refreshes and automation, including OMOP CDM ETL and integration of claims, EHR, lab, billing, prescription, clinical trial (SDTM), registry, survey and other data sets.

Odysseus has a well-established customer base and is considered to be a trusted partner across Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, and Payer as well as Academic and Government organizations worldwide.

Role in the Facilitate Project

ODY is the WP leader of WP5 (Technology framework and interoperability solutions) and involved in all respective tasks. Furthermore, they participate toWP4 (Platform architecture design and requirements) and WP7 – Business exploitation and sustainability, T7.1 FACILITATE business plan/use case strategy options and T7.2 FACILITATE business sustainability and implementation strategy. ODY will contribute to the Technical and Medical Expert Decision Committee.