Fabrizio Cornia

For secondary use, trust is the key word

For secondary use, trust is the key word

In the last two months, FACILITATE researchers of Workpackage 3 have organized and managed three different consultations with patients and experts about granularity of choice in Secondary Use of Data in the clinical trial context.The first consultation – entitled...

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A technological process with a legal-ethical core

A technological process with a legal-ethical core

From October 23-27 2023, Horizon Europe 2024 - the European Research Promotion Agency's (APRE) annual event - took place with 5 days of information meetings on the themes and calls of the Framework Program for Research and Innovation.It was a relay of information...

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Demystifying Individual Participant Data Return

Demystifying Individual Participant Data Return

On 17 October, 2023, Johanna Blom, Coordinator of FACILITATE, Véronique Poinsot, Project Leader of FACILITATE and Swapna Pothula, member of the TransCelerate initiative, participated at Scope EU Congress in Barcelona, in a panel entitled “Demystifying Individual...

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Expert patients meet FACILITATE

Expert patients meet FACILITATE

On 15 October 2023, the Accademia del Paziente Esperto EUPATI (AdPEE) held an information event dedicated to the European FACILITATE project at the Rome Scout Center in Rome. Sabrina Grigolo, member of the board of AdPEE, together with some EUPATI Patient Experts -...

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let’s FACILITATE – Year 2 Issue 2

let’s FACILITATE – Year 2 Issue 2

Towards the second phase FACILITATE is growing as a collaborative consortium and laying the groundwork for the new phase of the project with more tangible outputs. So far, it has been a great cooperative effort towards the definition of pragmatic use cases and...

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let’s FACILITATE – Year 2 Issue 1

let’s FACILITATE – Year 2 Issue 1

Towards harmonization We have just entered the second year of FACILITATE, and are ready to face the new challenges that the project poses and to work together to realize our goals. Collaboration, harmonization, and alignment will be the guiding words of our next...

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let’s FACILITATE – Year 1 Issue 1

let’s FACILITATE – Year 1 Issue 1

Almost one year has passed since the project started in January 2022 and FACILITATE has remained true to its mission: to put patients at the center of the clinical trial process with regards to return and reuse of results after their involvement in a clinical trial. A...

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