FACILITATE workshop on its developing ethical frameworks
On 15 and 16 March, the leaders of work package 3 (WP3) held a meeting with partners at Eurac Research, Bolzano (Italy). The meeting was convened to discuss key elements of the ethical frameworks (the ethical framework on return of clinical trial data and the ethical...
FACILITATE at the Rare Disease Day
On 1 March 2023, Prof. Dr. Johanna Blom has been invited to present FACILITATE project and its challenges at the 3rd International Conference on Rare Diseases: Greek Chapter, 2023, Athens in the Session “Flash Updates of RD Flagship Initiatives” The conference focused...
Global perspectives on return of individual research results
On 23 February 2023, the development of guidelines for the return of clinical trial data has been discussed at the 14th International Congress on Human Genetics in Cape Town The return of individual research results is fraught with ethical, legal, and social concerns,...
FACILITATE stakeholders’ meet in Cape Town
On 21 February 2023, representatives of WP3 held a FACILITATE stakeholder workshop at Stellenbosch Medical School, Cape Town, South Africa The workshop was hosted jointly with the Stellenbosch University Research Ethics Office and the Office of Research Integrity. The...
A shared position on the EHDS proposal
VUB discusses the EHDS proposal with the LIBE committee of the European Parliament On 9 January 2023, the Health and Aging Law Lab (HALL) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), WP2 (legal) leader of the FACILITATE project, was invited to an informal meeting with the...
Health-related data protection
In accordance with resolutions 75/282 and 76/552 of the UN’s General Assembly, FACILITATE partner Privanova joined the expert panel of the Ad Hoc Committee tasked with drafting a Comprehensive International Convention on Combating the Use of Information and...
Watch the Webinar
The current fragmentation of clinical data in separate repositories, and the partition of the data protection laws, among other reasons, make the return and re-use of clinical trial data particularly complex and challenging. FACILITATE aims at developing an innovative...
Introducing FACILITATE (Italy)
Introducing FACILITATE (Italy) As part of an in-depth space called “Rights to the point”, dedicated to the activists of Cittadinanzattiva (FACILITATE s’ Partner) and the civic and patients’ organizations connected to them, on 24 March 2022 they organized an event on...
KOM First Event
The FACILITATE project held its kick-off meeting on January 24th – 25th, 2022. Due to the pandemic COVID-19 crisis, it was decided to hold the meeting virtually. It successfully brought together all the key players of the FACILITATE project. With more than 100...